Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 3

Today's lunch: Rice, crab croquettes, seaweed salad, pickled radishes, red bell peppers sauteed in soy sauce and mirin, and three quail eggs. Delish!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Obento Day 2

Woke up early today to go to the gym.  Fitness regimen starting off strong...we'll see how long it lasts! 

Today's lunch: Kara-age, rice with black sesame seeds, kani kamaboko (imitation crab), seaweed with white sesame seeds, and pickled radish.  

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

First obento of the year

I bought a cute bento box from Mono Comme Ca on my recent trip to Tokyo and am finally getting around to using it!  I'll periodically post pictures of my obento (hopefully daily on weekdays) in an effort to hold myself accountable and stick to my goal of being healthier this year. 

Today's lunch: white rice, artichoke/black olive/chicken sausage, stuffed grape leaves with tsaziki sauce, seaweed salad and kamaboko.